Just a bit of this and that
I just wanted to update on some of the goings on with me lately.
I received the neatest thing in the mail a couple days ago; a book Keisha's class had done from A-Z.
Each child apparently was given a letter and from it made a subject and wrote a paragraph about it.Keisha's was ironically "K" and her subject was kindness which was fitting for her,I think.
There was artwork accompanied with each page and I'm assuming each child did their own.
It really was an amazing piece of work collaberated on by the students and Mrs. Sansone, her teacher.
We are still in the settling in stage here.
Boxes are still in the garage that need to be unpacked but I've learned we are doing this on Bob's time which is slow time (as in procrastination).
It making it hard to determine exacxtly the best place for some things because every few days a box comes in and its like"oh yeah, I forgot about this".Or I know we used to have something but can't find it.
I haven't been well at all since moving.I guess the strain of the past year has caught up with me.I am in the process now of finding medical treatment that will take not only Medicare but Medi-Cal as well.
My yard is all abloom with lots of flowers I don't know the names.But it sure is pretty.
I can look from the front yard over to the mountains and its been interesting to watch the hills change almost daily as we went from the wet weather of winter right into summer, or so it seems.
The trees are budded out ready to sprout new leaves.The birds are around but not as many as i had hoped.Interestingly enough, they won't touch the feeder I brought from Pittsburg.I haven't figured that out yet.There are two others in the yard and they will feast from those but not the "foreign" one.
We have at least two quail families I've identified living under some bushes.they are fascinating to watch as they scurry from place to place.
Last evening Bob and I were out back and we noticed the one pair.They must have seen us and think we may be predators because they stopped dead in their tracks as they were when they noticed us.We stayed out there for about 15 minutes and they did not budge.
A couple days ago i was on the side of the house facing the neighbors house across the street when two deer came up the street and walked right into the neighbors yard.I think thats the closest I've ever been to live deer.They stopped to observe me as I observed them for about 5 minutes.Maybe they were thinking they never saw me before!
I counted the other evening there are 18 windows I have to open and close every day!That isn't counting the stationary ones throughout the house.
I have been reading articles on Oroville history.This particular area is steeped in California history.
There was an Indian they named Ishi who wondered out of the hills in the early part of last century.He was named Ishi because he was such a novelty at the sherrif's office where he was kept until they figured out what to do with him people would wander in and say "is he still here"? So he was given the name-Ishi(is he).
The accounts I read say he laughed all the time but didn't know a word of the language.H was alsways happy to see people .
This was the area of California where gold was discovered and mined.That is why the city has the name "Oroville"; I have been told there are still prospectors who come down out of the hills occasionally.
This area was where some of the relief effort for the city of San Fransisco came during the earthquake 100 years ago.
There is more I am learning about this area and all of it is fascinating.
For now, thats it but more coming later.