Saturday, March 11, 2006

K-LOVE Closer Look Podcast: Domestic Violence - Help for the Abused and the Abuser

Howdy everyone! Dan, Margie's son, here, guest-blogging. Thanks for stopping by to read. I'm reminded that I need to contact my Mom to see how she and Bob are doing in their temporary housing this month.

I subscribe to the K-LOVE Closer Look podcast, and I get to hear short audio clips from this weekly show on a regular basis. I just noticed that they've released this clip, which you can listen to directly by clicking on the title of this post, or by clicking this link.

"It's likely you know at least one woman who has suffered physical or sexual abuse in her past – or present. It even happens to men. The abused are usually ashamed and afraid and leaving is complicated. But there is hope for both the abused and the abuser."

If you are interested, I did a 36-minute soundseeing, interview-type show back in September, during a memorial walk to help those affected by domestic abuse, which I posted to my own podcast, Journey Inside My Mind:

JIMM 16 - The Cheryl Dawson Memorial Walk-a-thon

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